Thursday, March 30, 2006

Johns Done

Well it's JohnPauls last day of highschool today. I can't believe he is done with highschool already. And I am so happy he is graduating early...I am sure he is happier he is done early. I know he worked really hard to get where he is at. He will continue to work for my dad, but full time now. And he is already looking at buying a house in Champlin.

The sun is starting to stay out a lot longer now. It is nice to have the sun out when I go and come home from work. Before it was so depressing. But the weather is still cold and will be nice to get to a place where they get warm weather.

Still no update on where we are going...maybe Monday.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just Taking A Break

I have been pretty busy at work these past few days marking everything down. They still haven't told us when the store will be closing, they have just given us the ok to start putting some things on sale to start clearing out the store. I just needed a little break so I thought I would write in my blog. Ofcourse we didn't find anything out lastnight during "Icebreakers" (an informantion show they air every Tuesday nights on whats going on around base) they just basically told us to wait a little longer... so we are just playing the waiting game.

Ever since David helped babysit on Saturday, when I went out, he has been sick. He has a really bad cold. He will start to feel a little better and then it will come right back. Hopefully this weekend he will just relax and he will start to feel better.

My ceramic vases are coming a long great and in the middle of April I am going to learn how to do pottery on the wheel...that should be fun. My sister is really good at pottery like that.

I can't believe it is almost April...this month just few by. I can't believe in June we will have already been here for a year... boy the time just flew by!

Miss you All!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Congratulations Sheila and Wade!

I am so happy to let everyone know that Sheila had her baby on Saturday March 25th. Collin Mathew was born at 12:13 am and weighed 7lb 5 ounces. Sheila said he is very healthy and a happy baby boy.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Never Get Your Hopes Up

Well after I was sooo excited to be moving back to the States this weekend we found out that it may not be so certain anymore. I should have known better not to get my hopes up when dealing with anything in the military. Basically there is tons of spots open for broadcasters overseas and one spot open in Texas. We already know we don't want to go to Texas for many reason, but for one David would be traveling a lot for his stories and we don't want that... I would never see him. But on the other hand it might be nice to stay over seas for another 2 years. The time has flown by and we have gotten to see so much. When else would we be able to see all these neat places. Ofcourse we miss everyone and the second I found out there was that chance we weren't moving back to the states I was crying forever. But who knows, everything is so messed up. No one knows anything and no one is telling anyone anything. Ofcourse we will keep you updated...David's blog is way better at explaining what is going, so check back with him for better details.

This weekend flew by...Saturday was pretty much a girls day for me. Me and 6 girls went out for lunch at this chinese resturant downtown. It was a lot of fun just to be able to hang out with girls. The food was really good too. Then after me and a couple of the girls went to the MALL right next to the restuarant. It was so exciting just to be in the mall and walking around, even though I couldn't buy anything. We also had some coffee and just chatted some more.

Today at work I started to pull out all the Christmas stuff and mark it down 50%. I am not sure how much longer my store will be open. But I am sure I will work the rest of the time I am here.

This is my brothers last week of school, he is done on Thursday. I can't believe it! I am so proud of him that he is graduating early!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Not Over Yet

Just when I thought David's blogging days were over he has posted three days in a row, so don't count him out just yet. He has posted some really good pictures of a trip we took and of his band.

Still doing ceramics...I have only gotten one of my vases painted. Lately I have no time to get in and paint.

Tonight we are going over to a friends house to play games. Should be fun, we are also saying good-bye to one of the guys David works with.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It Was Time...

After almost 8 years of having my tongue ring in I took it out yesterday. I am not sure why I did it. I was just sitting at work and I just wanted to see if I could get it unscrewed. It took me forever to get it unscrewed. So I thought I better just keep it out, if I had waited any longer I might have never gotten it out. Years ago my grandpa use to say only "Cows get there tongues pierced" and he said he would give me a $100 if I would take it out. I should have taken it out then and been a $100 richer! Who knows why I kept it in for so long. I was 17 when I got it done and got it because my parents said I couldn't. I got it at some scarey place called Spiders. I am sure all my friends know this place. He would do piercings for under age kids. Once I got it done my tongue was sooo swollen I thought it was going to fall off, I couldn't talk for days. It was the worst. I probably should have taken it out then. But I guess it becomes a part of you.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Little Update

Here is a little update on the base... we heard that we will probably be out of here by the beginning of July. But still no word on where we are going. Crossing our fingers for California. That would be really nice for the both of us. I would love the warm weather and there would be tons for David to do. There is still tons to work out on how they are going to move all of us and all of our stuff out so fast. I am sure there was so many details they didn't even think of before they thought of closing a base in such a short time. So it is going to be amazing to see how this all works.

Happy Birthday to All my Grandmas this week...Grandma Bear, Grandma Honey and Grandma Helen!!! Love and Miss you All!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

It's Snowing Here

Had a pretty good weekend...Friday was a BLAST! Went out for St. Patty's day with a bunch of friends. Sure is sad we have to leave them all so soon. There was a live band playing on base so we went and listen to them play for awhile and then headed over to another club where David ended up singing some Neil Diamond songs. Ended up getting home some time after 3am...was a long night. Saturday was a busy day for me...I had a candlelite party and a baby shower to go to. That lasted all afternoon. Then after those two events David and I went to an Art show on base. The Icelandic artists were showing there work on base. A lot of there work was so beautiful. There was wine, cheese and music also. It was nice to just walk around and look at everything. After that went over and watched "Just Friends" at one of our friends house. We thought the movie was really funny. Our dryer broke on Sunday so that wasn't fun trying to get our clothes dry. Other then that Sunday was my relaxing day. David has band practise like always. They finally have a show in May. They will be playing a few songs in between this other bands breaks. It will be neat to finally here them play together.

No news on the base or where we will be going from here...will keep you updated though.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

great...Great...GREAT NEWS!

We found out on Friday that David's deployement has been CANCELED because of the base being closed. This way he will be able to help with the move. We don't know where we will be going yet, but forsure to the States! I am so excited about that. We will finally be able to get our own place and not live on a base where we know everyone. They will have us all out of here in the next 4 to 6 months. It is just going to be crazy to see how fast they can get us all out. As soon as we found out where we are going and when I will let you know.

Miss you all and soon we will be in the States!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bye Bye Base

Well we found out today that the base is for sure closing. We will PROBABLY be closed in the next 6 months. We don't know to much information yet, but we will know more everyday. But what does this mean for us...not to sure! Will we be out by October 1st OR will they start to pack us out starting October 1st...not sure. I do know that all 642 Icelandic employees on base will get there pink slips on April 1st and have 6 months left at there jobs here on base. So here at the Galleria my job will be done then. We aren't going to buy any more supplies, just let everything run out. My boss is Icelandic, she said she doesn't know where she is going to find a job. It is going to be crazy...600+ people looking for a job all at the same time in this small country. There population is only 300,000.

I know you are thinking David leaves for Iraq in a couple of months and wont be back until the end of October....Yes, they would still send him. If they decide to PCS us I would just have to do the move by myself. I could do it. It just would be a lot of work. I have a lot of people who have already wolunteered to help if that should happen. Where would we go? Well, at David's work they would give everyone a list of all the open jobs and the highest ranking person would get first picks. David is pretty low who know where we will end up.

That is all we know for now. But as the information comes to me I will let you know. But like I said we learn more information daily.

I had my doctors appointment today. Ofcourse they don't know what is wrong, they said everything looks good from what they can tell. They said if I still have the pain for another week come back. But it has gotten better so maybe it will just go away...we will see.

Miss you all...more later...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Raining Today

No news from my doctor visit on Tuesday, I have to go in on Thursday to get the results so I will let you all know what is going on after that visit.

Watched North Country last night. It was a pretty good movie, besides the wierd accent they gave the people from Minnesota. The accent got better towards the end, but ofcourse we don't talk like that. David did notice they said "soda" instead of pop. If we say pop anywhere else besides in the midwest people look at you like you are from another planet.

Been hearing this base might close, so we will see what happens with that. Not really sure what would happen if they did close the base.

Have been doing my ceramics lately...tonight I get to paint some of my stuff!

Well, more later...miss you all!

Monday, March 13, 2006


Back to work today, my weekend went by too fast. Today at David's work it is the start of Mediathon week. All week you pay for the songs you want to hear and if you don't like what song is on the radio you can pay to get the song bumped off. Today they had to dress up like any kind of super hero...David dressed up like Factotum Man. He put foil all over his face and all over one arm, it was pretty funny. He also wore a Factotum shirt that he had made...Factotum is the name of there band. They also air there radio show live on channel 21 so you can see what is going on in the station. It is neat to see what kind of costumes everyone wore today. During the rest of the week they will have jail n' bail, where you can pay to put some one in jail for the day, bid to throw a pie in someones face, poker tournaments and you can bid on items all day. they have candles to even a car they are bidding off. All the money goes towards the Airforce and the Navy.

Tomorrow I have my ultrasound so I have to eat a fat free meal tonight for dinner and drink so many glasses of water before tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully they don't find anything where I would need surgery. But for now I will continue to pee into my little "party hat" they call it to see if I pass any stones...crazy huh!

David went and got measured for his uniform for when he goes to Iraq today....that is really crazy. It is coming up so fast.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Small Update

I haven't been very good at keeping my blog updated this past week...I know. I will try to get you all caught up in short post. Thursday was a really nice day. David surprised me with some roses and a really sweet card when I got home from work. It made me cry, It was so sweet. I tried to post some pictures of the flowers, but I couldn't get them to post.

Friday, I had to work from 11 - 8 because the girl who works the evening shift was getting surgery, but I didn't mind the extra hours. David came up to my work and brought subway for us to eat dinner together. After he left I had my first attempt at ceramics. We also have a ceramics shop in my building, so I started to make 3 vases. It was a lot of fun.

Today I got called into work because no one showed up to open up the Galleria, I didn't mind because I was going up there to work on my vases anyways. So I will work until 5 today. David got his laptop today that he ordered. It is really nice.

I am feeling a lot better lately, but once in awhile I still get some pains in my stomach...hopefully Tuesday I will find out a lot more about what is wrong with me.

More later....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Last Weekends Trip

Sorry it took me so long to put these pictures up from our trip last weekend when we went and visited the waterfalls. I just have been so busy and the server has been so slow with posting pictures it takes forever to get pictures on to our hopefully David will have his pictures up soon also. Our destination point was to see Skogafoss, it should have only taken us about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to get there, but with all the stops and with taking the longer way it tooks us 5 hours to get there. It was well worth the the 5 hours though. We took the drive along the coast...our first stop was at the Alantic Ocean so I could get some pictures. Along the way we also did some 4-wheeling with the jeep, which was a lot of fun.
This is what a lot of the area looked like we were driving threw.
Nice View
This is a beach
This view goes on for miles....
Here is the first waterfall we stopped at. You are able to walk right up to it.
Very cold right next to the waterfall

There are waterfalls all along the sides of these mountains
just a barn...a lot of farm life out in this area

Another was so neat to see so many!

this is is so huge. We drove the jeep right up to it. When we finally got there we were only there for about 5 minutes to get our pictures.

You can see how big it is compaired to the people in the picture.

It has been really neat to be able to go and see different parts of Iceland. It helps that we are getting more daylight so we are able to spend more time out seeing more stuff. We did get some snow yesterday and today, but nothing's already melting.

I am feeling better today, so that is good news. Make sure you check out David's blog in the next few days...he will have some better pictures of our trip.

Miss You All....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Doctors Visit

Well, I went in this afternoon for my stomach because I just couldn't take the pain anymore and it was on the right side, so I thought I better get it checked out just in case it was my appendix and with my history with my pencreatitis I thought I better go in. This pain started early Sunday morning and it has been starting to feel a little better, but I think that is because when I eat that is when it gets worse, so I just haven't been eatting as much. When I had my last pancreatitis they didn't let me eat solid foods for a week because that is the only way to cure it, so I thought maybe that is what I had again. After being at the hospital for 3 1/2 hours, they first thought it was my pancreatis or my appendix, they were ready to do surgery, but thankgoodness it was neither. But they still don't know what is wrong, so now I have to wait until next Tuesday to go and get an ultra sound on my stomach because that is when that doctor comes in. So for now they just gave me some pain meds. so we will see how the next week goes.

In other news...I just found out my friend Rachel is getting married May 3rd in Jamaica! Congratulations to her and JD!

Monday, March 06, 2006


I felt my first Earthquake today while sitting at work...I didn't even know an earthquake had happened until my boss came in and told me. I was just sitting at my computer checking my email when the ground shook alittle. I thought it was someone doing construction outside or something. Then a few seconds later my boss came in saying did you feel that earthquake? So nothing big and dramatic happened. But it was a 4.5, that is not a small one, but not anything to fear. I emailed David right after it happened and he didn't even feel it.

This past weekend we went and saw some neat waterfalls, but I haven't gotten around to posting them yet. Hopefully in the next few days I will have them up.

Haven't been feeling well these past few days, but I am sure it will pass....

Miss you all....

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Lastnight David and I babysat for our neighbor because she had to bring her son Ryan to the doctor for pink eye. Misty's husband Mike is home on emergancy leave so we told her we could help out whenever she needed us. And ofcourse we love hanging out with there kids anyways, so we were glad she called.

Here are some pictures we took of them a couple weeks ago.
This is Ryan...there favorite thing is to throw the ball at David when we come over.
And this is Aiden.....what a cutie!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Just a Check In

I don't have much to write about today, but I wanted to check in with everyone and let everyone know that we are still doing ok here out in Iceland. The weather has been in the 30s lately and no rain in the last 2 days...that has been great. We got our taxes done yesterday, we are getting some money back this year....Yippy! I am not really sure how that works, but I think we got a lot more back this year because we were tax free in Turkey, but who knows. I let David handle that stuff.

My Grandma leaves for Mexico on Saturday for a girls trip, that should be really fun for her. I can't wait to here about her relaxing vacation.

This weekend we are planning to go and visit another waterfall...hopefully we will have some good weather.

Other then that, our favorite shows The Apprentice and The Amazing Race have just stated up again...that is always exciting for us.

Hopefully some more pictures soon....