Sorry it took me so long to put these pictures up from our trip last weekend when we went and visited the waterfalls. I just have been so busy and the server has been so slow with posting pictures it takes forever to get pictures on to our hopefully David will have his pictures up soon also.

Our destination point was to see Skogafoss, it should have only taken us about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to get there, but with all the stops and with taking the longer way it tooks us 5 hours to get there. It was well worth the the 5 hours though. We took the drive along the coast...our first stop was at the Alantic Ocean so I could get some pictures. Along the way we also did some 4-wheeling with the jeep, which was a lot of fun.

This is what a lot of the area looked like we were driving threw.

Nice View

This is a beach

This view goes on for miles....

Here is the first waterfall we stopped at. You are able to walk right up to it.

Very cold right next to the waterfall

There are waterfalls all along the sides of these mountains

just a barn...a lot of farm life out in this area

Another was so neat to see so many!

this is is so huge. We drove the jeep right up to it. When we finally got there we were only there for about 5 minutes to get our pictures.

You can see how big it is compaired to the people in the picture.
It has been really neat to be able to go and see different parts of Iceland. It helps that we are getting more daylight so we are able to spend more time out seeing more stuff. We did get some snow yesterday and today, but nothing's already melting.
I am feeling better today, so that is good news. Make sure you check out David's blog in the next few days...he will have some better pictures of our trip.
Miss You All....
Hey Sara,
Loved the pictures and was thinking I would have set on that bench forever.... Keep up the good work. I love your blog.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
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