Saturday, June 30, 2007

So Big!

We got Branden a "Bumbo" chair. It is a chair for infants to help them with early sitting, as long as they can hold there head up they can use this chair. It is so cute to see him in this seat and he just loves sitting in it. He gets a different view of everything. I can tell he feels like a Big Boy!

I love this chair!
Sittin Proud

His new favorite blankie is this green one. It goes everywhere with him.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sleep Schedule

Branden is doing well. The medicine the doctors put him on for his acid reflux seems to be helping. His spit up has really gone down and he hasn't had any of those scary acid reflux moments. I am trying to get him to sleep through the night, but I am not having any luck. But I really should work on getting him out of our bedroom first. He still sleeps in there, I am scared I wont hear him wake up even though we do have a monitor. Also, I have to break my bad habit of bringing him into our bed when he can't get back to sleep. This is only around 5am though, so he does sleep in his crib most the night. He does still wake around 2 am to feed and then around 4 am he will wake and then I will have to give him his pacifier to get him back to sleep.

It has been raining here almost everyday for the past week. Which is fine with me because it keeps the house cool since we don't have AC.
"get that camera out of my face"

"Yes, I'm so cute"

"How come it got so dark"

Monday, June 25, 2007

Only Getting Cuter

Branden is doing really good. He only fits into his 3 month clothes now. Which is sad, he has grown a lot in the last 2 weeks. And of course only gotten cuter! I can't believe how much I love him and how happy he makes me. He makes me smile all the time. It is so cute how he will talk to me now. He is very talkative. Also, he likes to think he can walk already, so I have to walk him around the house. He doesn't like tummy time at all. Also, he is starting to hate getting his picture taken because of the flash.

Just like daddy in his outfit


sucking his thumb