Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Today we went to the doctors for my 12 week appointment. Everything went really well. My doctor was nice. And the most exciting part of the appointment was hearing the baby's heartbeat! It was so cool to hear the baby. The baby's heartbeat is at 138...good! And since I got pregnant I have gained 2 lbs...also, good and normal.

Here are some pictures of me at 11 1/2 weeks. Just a little belly.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


On Sunday there was a big wine festival in our town. There was a parade with 50 floats all passing out free wine. It was a lot of fun...more for David because he got to taste all the different wines. After the parade we hung out at our landlords house for awhile with there daughter and her friends. It was nice to finally meet some people in our area. Then, we headed over to the fair. There was rides, food and ofcourse wine. We didn't stay to long because a few of us went to this really good Greek restaurant in our town.

This is our landlord Heinz

This is our landlord's daughter, Sylvia, getting herself some wine.

They passed out some beer too.

This is our landlord Karan

Thursday, September 21, 2006

11 Weeks Today

I hit 11 weeks in my pregnancy today. Things have been pretty positive so far. I have felt a little nausea here and there but, I think that is pretty much over. I am happy to say I never threw-up though. And of course my emotions have been crazy. One minute I feel fine and the next minute I could just cry over anything. It is still hard to get comfortable when I am trying to fall asleep. My bed use to be very comfortable and now it just feels like I am sleeping on the hard floor. Which makes my back, side and neck hurt...which in turn makes my day a mess.

Next week we go in for our 10-12 week appointment. They say that is when you will be able to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. I am really looking forward to that.

Nothing to new around here. David is busy at work. So he leaves early so he can get a start on his day and it is never certain when he will be home.

They say the baby is already 3 inches long (the size of a large goldfish). I have been reading a lot of magizanes and books about being pregnant, so that seems to help me a lot with all my questions and reassure myself that I am not going crazy. It is just the hormones!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Been having some crazy dreams lately. They seem so real. I can't believe once I am awake I can remember them all. I am having a hard time falling asleep at night because I just can't get comfortable. I am sure it just gets worse as I get bigger.

But the good news is that I haven't had any morning sickness, so it looks like I will probably just pass through that stage. My mom said she didn't have much morning sickness either.

I have noticed my stomach is starting to grow a little. Not so comfortable to wear my jeans anymore. Been wearing a lot of sweatpants lately.

I have been looking on the internet a lot at all the cute baby stuff out there. I can't wait to find out if we are having a Girl or a Boy so I can start shopping.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I just want to wish my sister, Katie, a Happy 23rd Birthday today!

I am sad I can't be there for your birthday, but I am thinking of you. Hope you have a great day!

David and I Love and Miss you!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Feeling Good

I went to bed last night a little worried because today I am 10 weeks pregnant. They say at your 10 week mark is when you start to get your morning sickness really bad. But when I woke up this morning I felt great and I even slept really good last night. Only getting up twice to go to the bathroom. So for now I am just going to keep my fingers crossed that I wont get morning sickness really bad. I still haven't been sick, just a little gagging here and there. But I can live with that.

David is just starting to feel better. He has been sick all week. His work has been sending him home a little early everyday.

No pregnancy pictures yet, but I will have David take one so I can get one up. I know my mom would be upset if I didn't put any up.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Our Weekend

This weekend went by pretty fast. Saturday, David went mountain biking all day with 2 friends at a huge mountain bike park. He was excited to be able to ride his new bike. On Sunday we pretty much spent the day cleaning. Well, David did more cleaning then I did. I get out of breathe so fast lately and since I am off my seizure meds I have to be extra careful. David has been great in making sure I don't over work myself. Our house is starting to come together a little more each day. We only have a few more boxes to go through.

I found out this weekend that my one neighbor, who is German but, speaks English, is also having a baby in April on the 15th. So that was neat to find out.

Our landlord brought me over a beautiful plant for my birthday. David and I can't believe how nice they are to us.

David is sick today. He has a really bad cold.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I made this blanket before we came home on leave. I was just learning how to crochet but, now it will be our babies first baby blanket.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

9 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some pictures from when we were home. Sorry we don't have that many. The first day of the State Fair...we had to take cover for awhile because of the rain.
Hail from the huge storm we had.

On a boat ride up at my parent's cabin

David, my dad and Ron working up at David's parents cabin. They were building an out-house.
They all had to test it out

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant. My clothes are starting to fit a lot tighter, so I have been trying to stick to wearing my sweatpants when I can.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

6-8 week

This morning I went in for my 6-8 week appointment. Everything went well. I just had to go over some paperwork, get weighed, pee in a cup and give blood. They test for everything. Now I wont have to go back to the doctors for a couple weeks now, which is nice. It seems like so much work to go to the doctors these days.

Yesterday night I was feeling pretty sick. But it helped when I just sat down and tired to relax. I also got some good sleep lastnight. I was very thankful for that.

The weather is still nice the 70s. I sort of wish it would rain a little so I don't have to go outside and water the grass or the plants. Our yard is a mess. Since no one took care of it while we were gone it has just gone wild. We can't wait for fall to come so we can just cut everything back.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I had a doctors appointment this morning. Everything went pretty well. The neurologist decided to take me off my Topamax. Before we went on leave they had decreased my dosage from 200mg 2x a day to 100mg 2x a day. But my doctor today thought it would be safer just to stop and David and I thought it would be best to stop too. I will have to go back on the Topamax during my third trimester though. For now I can't drive. But that is ok, I really wasn't driving in Germany. Tomorrow, I go in for my 6-8 week appointment. We will just go over some paperwork.

This morning I wasn't feeling that well. I had a hard time eating my breakfast but, after I layed down for awhile I felt better. I am still having a hard time getting my sleep schedule back to normal and with having to get up to go to the bathroom so much at night, that just seems to make it harder.

David has unpacked his suitcase already but, I can't see that in my future. I am just so tired lately. And I don't have to much nausea, but I have been getting dizzy when I stand-up to quick or I'm moving a lot.

Today I am: 8 1/2 weeks pregnant
and they say the baby is an Inch and 1/2 long

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Safely Back

We got back safely to Germany about 6 hours ago. Our flights went pretty good. I was able to sleep a little so that helped make the time go by faster. When we got home I took a nap right away and David mowed the was pretty long. After my nap, we went and checked our mail and got something to eat. Then, we got a few groceries for the weekend.

It feels nice to be home but, we do miss everyone already. Our time home goes to fast. Tomorrow I will get some pictures up from our trip and write a little about what we did...since I was so horriable at keeping my blog updates while we were home.