Monday, March 27, 2006

Never Get Your Hopes Up

Well after I was sooo excited to be moving back to the States this weekend we found out that it may not be so certain anymore. I should have known better not to get my hopes up when dealing with anything in the military. Basically there is tons of spots open for broadcasters overseas and one spot open in Texas. We already know we don't want to go to Texas for many reason, but for one David would be traveling a lot for his stories and we don't want that... I would never see him. But on the other hand it might be nice to stay over seas for another 2 years. The time has flown by and we have gotten to see so much. When else would we be able to see all these neat places. Ofcourse we miss everyone and the second I found out there was that chance we weren't moving back to the states I was crying forever. But who knows, everything is so messed up. No one knows anything and no one is telling anyone anything. Ofcourse we will keep you updated...David's blog is way better at explaining what is going, so check back with him for better details.

This weekend flew by...Saturday was pretty much a girls day for me. Me and 6 girls went out for lunch at this chinese resturant downtown. It was a lot of fun just to be able to hang out with girls. The food was really good too. Then after me and a couple of the girls went to the MALL right next to the restuarant. It was so exciting just to be in the mall and walking around, even though I couldn't buy anything. We also had some coffee and just chatted some more.

Today at work I started to pull out all the Christmas stuff and mark it down 50%. I am not sure how much longer my store will be open. But I am sure I will work the rest of the time I am here.

This is my brothers last week of school, he is done on Thursday. I can't believe it! I am so proud of him that he is graduating early!