Thursday, March 29, 2007

14 Long Days Left

Nothing exciting to share with everyone, but I thought I should post something so no one thought I went into labor. Which would have been a great day for me, but I know my mom is praying I hold out until my due date so she is here.

I had called my OB on Friday and on Monday to see if they had fit me in yet for this week because they had to make special appointments for me to be seen every week because of my situation and they lady who makes the appointments told me not to worry she would call as soon as she was able to get me because I had to be seen. Since it is now Thursday and I was suppose to be seen this week I thought I better call even though I hate to bug them because she assured me that I would get a call. When I called the lady she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. She said you already have an appointment on April 10. I was like I just talked to you on Friday and Monday and you told me that you would call me when you could fit me in this week because I need to be seen because I am high risk due to my kidney failure. After putting me on hold a billion times she finally fit me in on Tuesday, even though it isn't this week I guess I will work with what they give me. I was pretty upset, because what if I wouldn't have called. I probably wouldn't have heard from them. But I am happy about the doctor I will be seeing. I wasn't happy about the doctor I saw last week.

Still in pain pretty much 24/7. And I am sleeping less and less. With the pain and lack of sleep it is for sure affecting my mood. But I am trying to take it day by day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Birthing Class

Last night David and I went to a child birth class. We both thought it went really well. Instead of taking the 5 night class we decided to take the "birthing basic" class where they try to fit everything into one class. Which I thought was a good idea because being so sick lately I don't think I could have sat through so many classes. This was her first "birthing basic" class she taught so she sent out an email asking what we would like to go over since we wouldn't be able to cover every topic and I was the only one to respond back so every question I had was answered. Plus all I have to do lately is read about pregnancy so I knew a lot of the questions she was asking us. We watched a couple of births, which I think David and I could have done without.

Yesterday morning I wasn't feeling to good. Lots of back pain. The day I get these stents out will be a great day. Hopefully when the baby is born I will get some relief. I have to wait 2 weeks after the baby is born to get them taken out.

Today I am feeling ok. A lot better then yesterday. I actually did some laundry and picked up the kitchen.

The weather here is nice. I have the windows open. I think the fresh air helps me. Since I hardly leave house because of the pain when I walk. It would be nice to take a little walk, but I don't think I would make it down the street.

Friday, March 23, 2007

3 More Weeks

I am more then ready to get this pregnancy over with. I can't believe how tired my body feels and how just going up and down the stairs is like a work out. Plus with these stints in every time I move I have to use the bathroom. It is true what every pregnant women says that the last month is the worst. You just want to get it over with. You have been fat and tired for so long you just want it over with. And plus if you haven't had a perfect pregnancy and who has you just want it over with and you just want to meet the little baby inside of you.

My house still isn't ready for our baby to arrive. I was hoping to have the house perfectly clean and the baby's room all set up cute. But so far I haven't completed either task. I am sure most moms wish for this and it never happens.

My parents will be here in 2 weeks, so that will be great to have them here.

Also, Happy Birthday to my Uncle Rick and my Cousin Justin! Miss you Both!

And David wrote in his blog yesterday, so make sure you check that out.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Feeling OK Today

My doctors appointment didn't go as well as I had hoped it would. I didn't find out to much information on my progress. Of course they did some labs because I was in some pain and the bleeding was still there. The doctor did call us last night but we missed her call. Her message said there was no need for concern about the labs and she would call us this morning. I did see another new doctor yesterday, which was disappointing because I really was excited about the doctor I was scheduled to see. My new doctor was not very friendly and me being so emotional and worried about everything it just made her seem worse. She does want me to be seen every week now until I have the baby.

After we left the doctors my pain in my lower back just got worse, so I wasn't feeling very well. And going to the bathroom is very painful. I just don't know how to get comfortable. My doctor was going to give me some strong pain meds, but I hate to keep pilling on the meds. I am already on my seizure meds and plus meds for my bladder infection which isn't sitting to well with me, since you aren't suppose to take it near the end of your pregnancy.

This morning I feel a little better. Moving around is easier, so maybe I can clean up this house a little. David has been a huge help lately.

I actually found a website this morning that really gave me some relief knowing that I am not the only one in the world that is going through the pain of having these stints in. It was reassuring to know that is was normal to have lots of pain in my back, bleeding and bladder infection. It was like I was reading about myself. Lots of the women said if you can make it through the pain of this, labor will be a breeze. So I was really happy to hear that. But we will see.

Of course I can't forget to mention to say Happy Birthday to my Grandma Bear and my Great Grandma Helen! We hope you both have a great day and we wish we could be there to celebrate with you! We love and miss you a lot!!
Love, Sara, David and Baby

Monday, March 19, 2007


I am not sleeping so well anymore. I just can't get comfortable, actually I can't get comfortable even when I am awake. I was having some light cramping in my stomach this morning, which went away after I just sat on the couch and drank some water. Wasn't sure if they were braxton hicks or just the baby twisting and stretching. Even though I hate going to the doctors lately, I am excited to see what she has to say. Maybe I am dilated some, which would be a blessing. Also, it would nice to hear everything is still going smooth with the baby. Or even better maybe she would say, looks like the baby will be here this week. But I doubt that. I can always wish. Will let you know how my appointments goes right away.

It is my Grandma Resner's Birthday today! I hope she has a great birthday!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


35 1/2 Weeks Here
Not the best looking picture of me but I have been promising a few of you I would post a picture of me for awhile now. But hey, I am dressed. Most days I don't even get out of my jammies if I don't have to.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Emergency Room Visit

David brought me back to the Emergency Room last night because I had started peeing blood every time I went to the bathroom yesterday evening. I hadn't felt very good all day, but more of a tired feeling. When I had gone to the doctors the other day and he had told me if I have any problems I need to go straight to the ER at night or Labor and Delivery during the day because I am a complicated pregnancy. So David and packed up our stuff and planned on a long stay at the hospital.

When we got there they did the usual tests. The same ER doctor was there, so she new my history. Which seemed to help make the visit go by faster. Since I just had my blood and urine tested the day before she was able to see if there was any changes in my kidneys that would case the bleeding. Most the results came back saying no change. But she is going to call today with the rest of the results. She did call the Urology department where I had the stints put in and they said it is common to have some bleeding as long as it isn't "red wine" color which would mean there is a clot in the tube and that would be very dangerous. For now they told me to continue the bladder infection medicine and that should help with the bleeding. We were only there a few hours.

Everything seems fine this morning. I am 9 months today. It is getting harder and harder to move around and get things done around the house. I can't wait until this baby is born. These last 2 months haven't been too fun. But all I can pray for is a healthy baby.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Doctors Update

I did go back to see my doctor yesterday to get my results and I do have a bladder infection. He was able to find medicine to put me on since I am allergic to everything and with being pregnant the rest were a little risky. I hate being on all these risky meds while I am pregnant. I pray every day for a healthy baby. Once he is born healthy I will be able to have some stress lifted.

Monday I will get the rest of my results from my blood work I had done. I guess seeing how my kidneys look. I only got my urine test results back yesterday. Which also had some blood in it. He said that would be normal to find some from the stints that are inside.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sick Call

This morning I did go see my doctor as a "sick call" appointment. The last couple of days I have been thinking I have a urinary track infection because it doesn't feel to good when I go to the bathroom. After doing some reading I thought I better get it checked out before it turns into a kidney infection, which would be no good. My lower back has been sore where my kidneys are so thats when I finally put two and two together. At first I just thought it was just my tubes that were bothering me still, but this long would be weird. Just to be safe a doctors visit was the best thing to do. If I wait to long I might end up back in the hospital.

I actually haven't gotten my results yet. My doctor said he would call if there was any thing wrong and I still haven't heard from him, so maybe everything is ok.

My doctor also told me that I can't come and see him anymore because I am now considered more high risk then before. David and I were going to bring me to the hospital, but I was just thinking if it was just some sort of bladder infection he could just give me some meds and I would be on my way. I like my doctor so much, I hate to see anyone else. But I guess the Chief of Medicine at Heidelberg (where I will deliver at) called and talked to my doctor and was concerned about why I wasn't being seen at Heidelberg my whole pregnancy because of my kidney problems and me being on Topamax for my seizures. But I was cleared to be seen by my regular family practice doctor by my high-risk doctor and my neurologist as long as I had regular check-ups to both of those doctors. And I never had kidney problems until now. Anyways, a little confusing. But atleast I know I will be getting good care and they know my situation over at Heidelberg. Next week I go in for my 36 week appointment. My doctor is going to call Heidelberg and let them know I came and saw him today, just so everyone is on the same page.

Today was my first time driving in Germany. I am not sure why it has taken me almost a year to drive over here. After my doctors appointment David had to get to his dentist appointment right away and I still needed to give blood. His doctors office is on different base then my doctors office, so I had to take the jeep back over to give my blood and then I drove home. I did sit in the parking lot for 10 minutes before I actually took off. Not sure why I was so nervous. I like driving, but it is different driving over in Germany then it is in the US. I did make it safely to all my destinations. So that was a plus.

If I hear anything I will let you know.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Only 5 More Weeks!

Today started week 35 in my pregnancy. Can you believe it? I can't! I pretty much can deliver any time now, which is pretty scary. I am getting more nervous each day. I guess because it is so unknown to me. Of course it is going to hurt like nothing I have ever felt, but I am scared because they put those tubes in me and plus the risk of having a seizure during labor. But I have been assured that I have nothing to worry about. But of course it crosses my mind once and awhile. We do have my 36 week appointment coming up and at that appointment we will finally see where I will deliver at and I will get my questions answered.

My parents should be here soon. They haven't picked a date to fly out on, they are just hoping it is before the baby comes so they will be here for the birth.

Forgot to mention when we had our ultrasound last week, the doctor said that our baby has lots of hair! You could actually see it. None of the pictures turned out cute. He didn't want to get his picture taken. He was tired, we got one of him yawning and the rest were of his hands over his face.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Saturday wasn't the best biking day for David. He called me only a couple hours into his day and said he was on his way home and told me I should get ready because he needed to go to the hospital. My first thought was he had to be kidding because we just left there a few days ago and swore I wasn't going back through those doors again until it was time to have this baby. But he said he hurt his back pretty bad trying to do some trick or something and he sounded pretty serious. He let me go pretty fast because he said it was going to take him sometime to drive home because it hurt pretty bad. Once I let him go I kept thinking, I sure hope he doesn't pass out driving home or something. His friend was going to take his straight to the hospital from there, but David said he was ok to drive home and for me to take him to our hospital.

I got ready really fast. And I did pack a hospital survival kit because I know what happens when you go there. Sometimes they don't let you out. I was thinking I sure hope the same ER people aren't working because they sure are going to think we are crazy or love the hospital.

But once David got home safely, about 45 minutes after he called me, he decided to take a quick shower to see if that would help with the pain. It did, thank goodness. Then he sat down for awhile with some ice. He was bruised and sore for the next couple of days and we didn't end up going to the hospital. David said, isn't anyone picking up on our cry for attention.

So as of today we are both almost 100%. David is back at work and I am back doing whatever I use to do at I guess. Also, the weather here is great. Nothing like what MN has. I am guessing 50's or 60's. Sunny!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

What Happened

I am finally feeling up to sit down at the computer for longer then 5 minutes and write how I am feeling and give you the run down of what happened these past weeks.

Well, it all started Monday the 19th, I think it was President's Day or something because David had the day off. I woke up feeling just fine. Went to the bathroom as normal. And also ate breakfast. Then David left around 10:00 to go to some beer place with a friend but returned around 1:00 or so. But right before he left I wasn't feeling so good so I took a bath, I thought that would relax me a little. But by the time David returned my feet hurt so bad, my back was killing me and I hadn't peed and was only going diarrhea like every 15 minutes. Gross I know. We knew I had a doctors appointment the next day so if I could just make it through the day and night I would be ok. I really didn't think much of my back because I just thought the back pain came with pregnancy. So I just sat on the couch with our back massager and had my feet in warm water. That night I hardly slept at all because I was getting up every 15- 20 minutes to use the bathroom and I still hadn't peed.

When we finally got to my 32 week appointment I pretty much had a nervous breakdown. I was so tried, frustrated and sick. At this point the doctor just thought I was dehydrated so he put me on one bag of IV to see if I could pee to get some labs. Which didn't make me pee. I felt like I had to but I couldn't. At this point I was still going diarrhea every 20 minutes. So they put me on 2 more bags of IV which made me throw up. I was at the hospital pretty much all day until he decided to send me home because he didn't know what was wrong and just told me to come back tomorrow to see of I had peed or not. My appointment time was at 1:00.

That night I just got worse. I could hardly make it through the night. I was in so much pain. Thank goodness for David. He took such good care of me. Who knows if he even got any sleep. I pretty much puked all over the place. So early that morning we left straight for the emergency room down in Heidelberg (where I will be delivering). Thats when our long day started. When we finally arrived there after getting a little lost. (David ended buying a GPS later that week, thinking if I would have been in labor that wouldn't have been a good thing.) We told then I haven't peed in a couple of days they did a cathider right away to see why. They found it was my kidneys. And they were pretty concerned. After being in the ER all day and having tons of tests done they moved me upstairs to have me and the baby watched. The baby was fine the whole process. Basically what we found out was that both my kidneys had failed or were failing. The baby had pushed on both of my tubes that connect my kidneys to my bladder, which they say is very very rare. None of my doctors have actually heard of a baby doing this to both of the tubes.

Anyways, my levels were at 65 and you are suppose to be at 2. So everyone was very concerned. After a speaking to a bunch of doctors about where I should be transfered to or what they should do they decided I needed to see a Urologist. I got taken there by an ambulance. Once there I got an ultrasound of my kidneys. Which were at a level 3. They should be at 0. David was always with me which was nice and by this time it was midnight. We were both tired. They also decided to re-enforce my tubes that connect my kidneys to my bladder by putting in "double J" who knows that exact medical term. But they are two tubes that I have to keep inside of me until after I give before to make sure my kidneys don't fail again. It didn't hurt when they put them in, but I did bleed for a few days after. And I can feel pinching when I walk. But it is getting better everyday.

After leaving that hospital another ambulance took me and actually David got to ride with to another hospital for some more testing. And I can't even remember why we had to go there. But they took more blood. But we were there for some time. Another ambulance ride later took us to our final stop which was at like 3 am. Both of us crabby and tired. We had started to know the ambulance drives and the hospital lost our paperwork so that wasn't fun so late in the night. Because I had gotten that double j's earlier in the night that had to put a cathider in me to watch how much I was peeing and how much I was bleeding. That was pretty painful. Even though I liked not having to get up to go to the bathroom at night I hated having it in. It hurt so bad. Because they had me moving all the time. I felt like I had wires coming out of everywhere. By the end of that night I had been to 4 different hospitals.

So now it is 4 am and they wheeled me into my room where I will be sleeping. Since they had to take me into the economy for the best care, its nothing like an american hospital sometimes you have to share a room which is weird. I see two other people in my room. I started crying right away because ofcourse they tell David he can't stay. So David leaves. He is tried we both have been up for like 24 hours. He has a long drive home. But I made it through the first night. He felt bad leaving me there. He said he thought about just sleeping in the jeep so he could be there right at 7 am when visitors are allowed back.

The next morning they move me into an intensive care room, which was nice because I was all by myself. Pretty much everyday they took about 10 tubes of blood and gave me bags of IV. They also gave me shots in my legs so I wouldn't get blood clots. I am pretty bruised up. I think I spent two nights in that room, but who knows. I switched rooms a lot. The food was gross. David did sleep on the floor a few nights. Which was great for me. I am sure he would have loved to sleep at home, but I am sure he felt bad to leave me there all alone. I did start to go crazy in there. I was really thinking about ways to escape. After a week of being in there and just sitting in a bed. Finally the last day in I could finally shower because they unhooked me from everything. David did wash me hair one day. Half way through they took my cathider out because I was in so much pain. They finally let me out on Tuesday or Wednesday. I can hardly remember. Most of the nurses and doctors spoke english which was a plus.

Well, now I am pretty much better. I am still walking slow. But who knows if that is just being 8 months pregnant or what. I did have a doctors appointment yesterday. Everything is looking good. I did loose 6 lbs being sick, so that is a little concerning. But I couldn't eat for couple days and I was throwing up a lot. But all the doctors say the baby looks great. After the baby is born I have a follow up appointment with a doctor to get my kidneys looked at since I have never had kidney problems before to see if the baby is really the cause of the problem. Since it would be so rare for the baby to push against both tubes and cause both of them to fail. If the baby is the cause looks like I would be the first.

Otherwise, today David is biking. He only can go biking a few more times before he gets stuck at home waiting for me to go into labor. He still hasn't gotten his new bike. I am going to pick up the house as much as I can today. I our house pretty much fell apart while I was in the hospital. David did as much as he could but he pretty much was with me the whole time.

Thanks to everyone for all there concerns while I was sick. I sure means a lot to know everyone was thinking about me and the baby.