I am finally feeling up to sit down at the computer for longer then 5 minutes and write how I am feeling and give you the run down of what happened these past weeks.
Well, it all started Monday the 19th, I think it was President's Day or something because David had the day off. I woke up feeling just fine. Went to the bathroom as normal. And also ate breakfast. Then David left around 10:00 to go to some beer place with a friend but returned around 1:00 or so. But right before he left I wasn't feeling so good so I took a bath, I thought that would relax me a little. But by the time David returned my feet hurt so bad, my back was killing me and I hadn't peed and was only going diarrhea like every 15 minutes. Gross I know. We knew I had a doctors appointment the next day so if I could just make it through the day and night I would be ok. I really didn't think much of my back because I just thought the back pain came with pregnancy. So I just sat on the couch with our back massager and had my feet in warm water. That night I hardly slept at all because I was getting up every 15- 20 minutes to use the bathroom and I still hadn't peed.
When we finally got to my 32 week appointment I pretty much had a nervous breakdown. I was so tried, frustrated and sick. At this point the doctor just thought I was dehydrated so he put me on one bag of IV to see if I could pee to get some labs. Which didn't make me pee. I felt like I had to but I couldn't. At this point I was still going diarrhea every 20 minutes. So they put me on 2 more bags of IV which made me throw up. I was at the hospital pretty much all day until he decided to send me home because he didn't know what was wrong and just told me to come back tomorrow to see of I had peed or not. My appointment time was at 1:00.
That night I just got worse. I could hardly make it through the night. I was in so much pain. Thank goodness for David. He took such good care of me. Who knows if he even got any sleep. I pretty much puked all over the place. So early that morning we left straight for the emergency room down in Heidelberg (where I will be delivering). Thats when our long day started. When we finally arrived there after getting a little lost. (David ended buying a GPS later that week, thinking if I would have been in labor that wouldn't have been a good thing.) We told then I haven't peed in a couple of days they did a cathider right away to see why. They found it was my kidneys. And they were pretty concerned. After being in the ER all day and having tons of tests done they moved me upstairs to have me and the baby watched. The baby was fine the whole process. Basically what we found out was that both my kidneys had failed or were failing. The baby had pushed on both of my tubes that connect my kidneys to my bladder, which they say is very very rare. None of my doctors have actually heard of a baby doing this to both of the tubes.
Anyways, my levels were at 65 and you are suppose to be at 2. So everyone was very concerned. After a speaking to a bunch of doctors about where I should be transfered to or what they should do they decided I needed to see a Urologist. I got taken there by an ambulance. Once there I got an ultrasound of my kidneys. Which were at a level 3. They should be at 0. David was always with me which was nice and by this time it was midnight. We were both tired. They also decided to re-enforce my tubes that connect my kidneys to my bladder by putting in "double J" who knows that exact medical term. But they are two tubes that I have to keep inside of me until after I give before to make sure my kidneys don't fail again. It didn't hurt when they put them in, but I did bleed for a few days after. And I can feel pinching when I walk. But it is getting better everyday.
After leaving that hospital another ambulance took me and actually David got to ride with to another hospital for some more testing. And I can't even remember why we had to go there. But they took more blood. But we were there for some time. Another ambulance ride later took us to our final stop which was at like 3 am. Both of us crabby and tired. We had started to know the ambulance drives and the hospital lost our paperwork so that wasn't fun so late in the night. Because I had gotten that double j's earlier in the night that had to put a cathider in me to watch how much I was peeing and how much I was bleeding. That was pretty painful. Even though I liked not having to get up to go to the bathroom at night I hated having it in. It hurt so bad. Because they had me moving all the time. I felt like I had wires coming out of everywhere. By the end of that night I had been to 4 different hospitals.
So now it is 4 am and they wheeled me into my room where I will be sleeping. Since they had to take me into the economy for the best care, its nothing like an american hospital sometimes you have to share a room which is weird. I see two other people in my room. I started crying right away because ofcourse they tell David he can't stay. So David leaves. He is tried we both have been up for like 24 hours. He has a long drive home. But I made it through the first night. He felt bad leaving me there. He said he thought about just sleeping in the jeep so he could be there right at 7 am when visitors are allowed back.
The next morning they move me into an intensive care room, which was nice because I was all by myself. Pretty much everyday they took about 10 tubes of blood and gave me bags of IV. They also gave me shots in my legs so I wouldn't get blood clots. I am pretty bruised up. I think I spent two nights in that room, but who knows. I switched rooms a lot. The food was gross. David did sleep on the floor a few nights. Which was great for me. I am sure he would have loved to sleep at home, but I am sure he felt bad to leave me there all alone. I did start to go crazy in there. I was really thinking about ways to escape. After a week of being in there and just sitting in a bed. Finally the last day in I could finally shower because they unhooked me from everything. David did wash me hair one day. Half way through they took my cathider out because I was in so much pain. They finally let me out on Tuesday or Wednesday. I can hardly remember. Most of the nurses and doctors spoke english which was a plus.
Well, now I am pretty much better. I am still walking slow. But who knows if that is just being 8 months pregnant or what. I did have a doctors appointment yesterday. Everything is looking good. I did loose 6 lbs being sick, so that is a little concerning. But I couldn't eat for couple days and I was throwing up a lot. But all the doctors say the baby looks great. After the baby is born I have a follow up appointment with a doctor to get my kidneys looked at since I have never had kidney problems before to see if the baby is really the cause of the problem. Since it would be so rare for the baby to push against both tubes and cause both of them to fail. If the baby is the cause looks like I would be the first.
Otherwise, today David is biking. He only can go biking a few more times before he gets stuck at home waiting for me to go into labor. He still hasn't gotten his new bike. I am going to pick up the house as much as I can today. I our house pretty much fell apart while I was in the hospital. David did as much as he could but he pretty much was with me the whole time.
Thanks to everyone for all there concerns while I was sick. I sure means a lot to know everyone was thinking about me and the baby.