January Visit
Nothing new has happened here in the last couple of days. My most exciting activity has been seeing how many fruit flies I can catch in my bowl of vinegar. Exciting I know. They get pretty bad at times because of all the fruit trees we have in our neighborhood.
Otherwise I have been trying to plan the date and length of my visit in January. I am getting very excited to come home and see everyone. This visit may be a little harder to see everyone because I can't drive during my pregnancy. But I am sure everything will work out and plus I get to see everyone at least once at my baby showers.
I have been scrapbooking a little. It is nice to be doing that again.
We should have done more yard work this weekend because the weather was so nice. It was in the 70's one day.
8 more days until my ultra sound! I think David is more excited then I am to find out what we are having.