Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Out Of Our House!

Well, we are out of our house and living in a hotel on base now until we get home. Our hotel room couldn't be any smaller. I can't believe they stuck a family in this room. I think our bathroom is bigger then our room, but I guess we will make due for the nex few days. Branden is actually really liking the hotel room because there is lots to get into and so much to see. But we have to watch him because he knows how to unlock the door and he keeps wanting to walk outside and see whats going on. I thought it was going to be hard putting Branden to sleep lastnight because I thought he would want to stay up with us and since he crib was right next to us he could see we weren't sleeping. But we just layed him down and put our suitcases in front of his crib to help block his view and he went right to bed. But it did help that he was so tired.

The packers did a great job packing everything up yesterday and Monday. They were the best movers we have had. It did take them 2 full days and we thought maybe they would only need 1, but it was probably because they packed everything up so well. We were very impressed. Monday I took Branden and did stuff away from the house so we wouldn't be in the way but yesterday it was raining out all day so we just stayed home. Branden did so good with the movers. We thought he would be sad seeing all his stuff being packed away, but he liked having the movers there. Pretty much he just watched his DVD player and played with a couple of his toys that we brought to the hotel.

Yesterday we said goodbye to our landlords, Karin and Heinz. It was really sad for me. I tried not to cry, but I did. They just have been so nice to us. We will really miss them and there family. We were really lucky to have them as our landlords. Karin gave Branden a toy car yesterday and Branden really likes it, he has been playing with it all morning.

Now today David is doing some last minute things at work and getting our Jeep ready to ship. Also, he is going back to our house to make sure it is all ready for the next person to move in on the 30th.

It still doesn't feel real that we will be home so soon. It just feels like we are on vacation right now. I think it will feel real once we are at the airport or maybe once we get picked up from the airport...who knows. I just can't wait to be home and see everyone!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Could this be the last post before we are home??

I'm about to head to bed, but I thought I would post something quick because tomorrow the movers are coming and they will be packing up our computer so I don't know when I will be able to post next. David and I had a long and busy day today getting ready for tomorrow. We had to pack our suitcases and set everything aside that we don't want the movers to pack.

Last night we went out to dinner with some of our friends. We went and ate at a Castle. The food was really good and it was really nice to spend some time with our friends. Branden really likes to play with there girls.
Climbing outside the castle
Jamie helping Branden walk across the balance beam

Branden on the sea-saw. There was a park outside of the Castle.

Branden pointing at a tractor he saw on the hill

What a cute family! You can see the village we live in from here.

The Castle

Branden's fat lip he got from when he fell down the stairs

When the wind blew the flower petals blew off of our cherry tree

catching the flower petals

branden just loved trying to catch the petals

smelling the flowers

sitting in the wagon

loves bathtime!

david's 29th birthday

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quick Update

We had our first shipment pick-up today. We thought they were coming tomorrow so it was sort of a big confussion when they showed up this morning. We really weren't ready for them and David wasn't home so I had to deal with the movers until he got back. The movers were really nice and understanding, so that was nice. When they got here they said they were here for our 500 lbs and we thought we got 1000 lbs for our express shipment. Not a huge deal, but we really wanted to send a lot of Branden's toys plus someother things. When I told David that when he got back he said, no we get 1000 lbs. So it was this big ordeal trying to figure out how much weight we can ship in our express shipment. To find out after they had already packed and loaded some stuff they actually were suppose to be picking up our wine and beer today, so they had to unpack everything they already packed and will be back tomorrow for that stuff. We had scheduled our wine and beer pick-up for today, but last week the company called and said since they were already coming Friday can they do both pick-ups together we said no problem. So something must of gotten mixed up somewhere. Branden actually was really good while the movers were here and was talking the whole time to the movers. He was telling them he is moving to Grandma's and thats why we are packing things up. But we did have a slight accident right before the movers left. Branden was walking outside to see the movers closing up there truck and he fell down the stairs. Thank-goodness he just rolled down them and didn't fall flat on his face, but he did get a fat lip. So he looks like he got in a fight. He only cried for a minute, but then he wanted to get back outside to see the movers. Now today we are going to clean up Branden's outside toys and really get ready for tomorrows pick-up. Then, this weekend will be our last weekend in this house! Sad, but we are really looking forward to our new life in Minnesota!

Branden is back to sleeping like a little angel! Who knows what was wrong with him those couple of days. Or maybe it was that special call from Grandpa that helped him get back on his sleeping schedule.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No Sleep For Branden!

These past 4 days have been so much work trying to get Branden to go to bed or take a nap. 5 days ago he was an angel to put to bed, never any problems. I would just tell him it is either naptime or bedtime and he would gather up his blankies and say goodnight to his toys and off we went to bed. I could just lay him in his crib and sing this little song I made up for Branden and that was it, he would go to sleep. But 4 nights ago someone must have switched something on him because now he screams when I put him in there and doesn't want to go to bed at all. It all basically started at midnight 3 nights ago. He went to bed perfect, but woke-up crying. I usually let him cry just a bit to see if he can get himself back to sleep, but since he didn't go back to sleep I went in to check on him. He asked for tylenol...not sure if he needed it or if he knew I would have to get him out of the crib to give it to him. I thought maybe he did need it because we are waiting for his last 2 molars to come in, so maybe he was teething. After I was up with him for over an hour playing with him, I told him it was time to go back to bed. He seemed fine and ready to go to bed, but once I put him in the crib he started crying and telling me he wanted to snuggle. I was tired and really didn't want to listen to him cry so I took him out and we ended up sleeping in the spare bed together. The next day he didn't want to go down for his nap, he didn't even end up taking on that day. So I figured he would be really tired at his bedtime. Nope, he just cried and wanted to get out of his crib. After about 45 minutes of him crying I figured he wasn't going to go to sleep, so I went and got him. When I brought him down stairs he was telling me how we had to let the air out of one of his toys and it was ok. He just kept saying it over and over. Because yesterday we took down his big ball pit that stays in his room. So I think he is worried about his toys and wondering why we are packing things up. I'm not sure though. The next day was just as hard with Branden. He didn't want to take a nap and at bedtime he just cried for me for about an hour. I figured he would just fall asleep, but no. Finally, I thought maybe he is scared of something and just wants to see me to make sure everything is ok. So I just walked into his room and told him it is bedtime and sat in his rocker so he could see me. I did sing a song or 2, but then I was quiet. He did check to see if I was still in the room a couple of times, but never asked to get out. I was happy when he fell asleep. Now today I had trouble getting him to nap. He went down fine, but about 5 minutes after I put him in there he started to cry and ask for me. I waited about 30 minutes before going in because I was hoping he would just fall asleep. Finally I just went in and told him it was naptime and I sat in his rocker. I didn't talk to him but he was talking to me. Asking me to snuggle him or read him a book. I wanted to hold him, but I knew if I got him out then it would just be a bigger struggle next time. I want him to know when I put him in his crib it is bedtime. It took about 40 minutes and then he sat down and started to relax. He sat up for about 20 minutes just looking at me and then finally he just layed down and went to sleep. I have never been so happy. I'm hoping he sleeps for awhile so I can get some things done around here. I also hope tonight goes well with him. David and I keep reminding him that we are packing up all of our stuff and mailing it to Grandma's so hopefully that will help when he sees most of his toys gone on Friday. I hope he isn't loosing sleep over his toys, but this is probably a stressful time for him and plus with turning 2 there is a lot of changes he is going through. I am just praying this is a little phase.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday David

Yesterday was David's 29th Birthday. We didn't do to much for his birthday or get him too much either. I told him I booked him a trip to MN for his birthday in a couple weeks and I think he was happy with that! Also, yesterday was David's going away party at his work. It was a BBQ. It actually was really nice. Branden had a good time and was really good. Everytime David's Commander said something Branden started repeating him, it was pretty funny. And Branden clapped everytime everyone else clapped. David's Commander said a lot nice things about David and then David said nice things about me and people he worked with. I figured he would just say thanks and sit down, but actually he talked for a minute or 2. After the BBQ we got our room booked for when we move out of our house. We are moving into the hotel the 29th, so we can clean the 30th. I can't believe how soon we will be home. It is so exciting!

Here are a bunch of older pictures from my camera. They are from Branden's birthday up to Easter. We have 2 cameras so we are always finding pictures of Branden we haven't put on the computer.
Branden's 2nd Birthday

opening his presents outside

his own tool box

present from auntie joni, auncle jay and cooper

at his b-day party...waiting for guests to arrive

balloon cupcakes

at the park for easter

Feeding the ducks

Driving the go-carts with daddy

The Easter Bunny ate the lettuce!

Setting the lettuce out for the Easter Bunny

At the easter egg hunt on base.

Trying to hold as many as possible

Waiting for it to start

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Pictures

Here are some of the pictures David took of Branden for his 2-year old pictures. He sure is growing fast. We can't wait to get home so everyone can see him again. We hope everyone can make it to our Welcome Home Party/Branden's B-day party we are really looking forward to seeing everyone again. We can't believe we will be home in 3 weeks! Time should really start to fly now.

Here are some pictures of Branden playing outside. He loves to spray us with the hose. His new favorite games is to tell us to hug and then he can spray us both at the same time. He is pretty tricky.

Watering the bugs

he may look cute, but he is dangerous with the hose!

good spray!