Happy Easter
We had a great Easter. We just spent the day together and had planned last week to make it a very relaxing day because we had been so busy with Branden's birthday and with moving we didn't want to make a whole ordel out of the day. We woke up really early though because the church bells started to go off at 5:50 am for 10 minutes and they are super loud! David and I couldn't believe it. The church is only a couple streets over, so it woke us up right away. Branden actually slept though it, but when they went off again at 6:45 he was up! When they went off the first time I just got up because I wanted to be up before Branden so I could "help" the Easter Bunny hide some Easter Eggs in the yard and hide his basket outside. I thought of this cute idea of putting this little bunnies all over the house starting at Branden's room and then he would have to follow them and then it would lead him to his basket. Also, Branden put out lettuce for the Easter Bunny the night before and Branden was suprised the Bunny ate all his lettuce.
Later, that afternoon we went a nice park in Mannheim for a few hours. We just brought a picnic and had lunch there. It was such a nice day, not too hot. Branden had so much fun. I think his favorite part was feeding the ducks.
What did I get?
Another Hi-5 Dvd
Cutie pie...look at those knees
This is neat
I forgot to write that on Saturday we took Branden to an Easter Egg hunt on Base. It was a lot of fun for Branden. There was like 200+ kids. Thank goodness they divided up the kids in groups. there was a 0-2 age group so at least it was fair for the little kids. I didn't think Branden would run out and grab any eggs when they blew the horn because he was acting so shy and there was so many kids, but as soon as that horn blew he jumped out of David's arms and started to grab as many eggs as he could, I couldn't believe it. I think he got like 8 eggs. He had a lot of fun doing that. I have video and pictures of him there I will post soon.
You are such a great mom! I'm going to have to get lots of ideas from you when Landen gets a little bigger. I love your creativity!! Can't wait to see you SOON!
Thanks Cyndy! You are too Sweet! Can't wait to see you and little Landen...i guess justin too
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