Branden's Birthday
We have been celebrating Branden's Birthday for the past 4 days now and still when we get back to the states we will be throwing him more birthday parties! He keeps walking around saying "Happy Birthday!" On Thursday was his real birthday which we spent at home and I made him a cupcake and put 2 candles in it for him to blow out. He really loved blowing out the candles and us singing to him. I think we sang to him about 7 times and each time we had to re-lite the candles. We also gave him his gifts from us that evening. We bought him a new gun, doctors kit and a real tool box. It was so nice out we opened gifts outside. He also got that new table set earlier that morning. Friday and Saturday we spent getting ready for his party on Sunday. But we were still practicing blowing out the candles and wearing our party hats and also had tons of balloons all over the house all weekend. His party on Sunday went so well. He had so much fun and the weather was so nice, so we were able to be outside. Branden ate 4 cupcakes! Everytime I saw him he had grab another one off of the table. I thought he was going to be sick lastnight or this morning, but he is doing good! I will post his party pictures tomorrow, but today here are the pictures from Thursday.
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