Christmas Morning
Santa Came! When I got Branden out of his crib this morning I asked him if he thought Santa came down the chimney last night and brought him presents, so he was pretty excited to get down stairs. He ran straight to the tree looking for his presents from Santa. He first noticed his candy in his stocking and then all the presents. It took him about 2 hours to open all his presents because he would open one and then have to play with it for awhile. By the end of gift opening though he did open one gift and then ask for another one right keep them coming. He loved all his gifts! It was fun watching him get so excited. Santa knew just what to bring, cars and a guitar...all his favorites! Of course lots more! We are going to have to go through his toys this weekend and make room for all the new toys.
David bought me a new camera for Christmas! Here are just a few pictures from Christmas morning.
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