Branden loves to help "cook" whenever he can. Whenever you are in the kitchen making anything he runs in and says "cook....cook." And if you don't let him help with something he gets pretty upset. He loves to see everything that is going on and loves to help mix. He also likes to hold the items you are using, I think his favorite things to hold on to are the spices and to pretend to shake the stuff out.
Here are some pictures of Branden and David making breakfast for me! Yummy!
Yesterday we went to our landlord's daughter (Sandra) and her husband's (Howie) birthday party. It was a lot of fun! There was about 40 people there and we actually met a couple people who spoke english pretty well, so that was nice. There was tons of good food! Lots of people brought a dish to share. I brought a dessert. I got the recipe from my Grandma and it turned out really good. Branden had a really good time. I think he could of stayed all night and played with the toys and kids. He loved this watering can. He carried it around for hours, so we are going to have to buy him his own one.
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