Branden Loves The Park
Branden loves to go to the park and we have 2 pretty close to our house, so that is nice. The only thing is that they don't have any baby swings and really nothing for him to climb on. But lately Branden loves sitting on the big boy swing and he will hold on tight and I can push him a little on it. Lately we have been going to the park almost everyday and yesterday Branden didn't want to sit in his stroller so he walked all the way to the park and back. He was so excited! He smiled and screamed with excitement the whole walk. He was such a good walker too. I told him he had to hold my hand and couldn't try and run in the street or we would have to go back home. And he held my hand the whole time, stopping to wave at a few people. But we walked a block or so there. I thought I would have to carry him home, but he walked home too. He wasn't even tired.
Sorry there is no sound, but here is a small video of Branden on the seesaw.
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