Our New House

I only have two pictures of the inside because all the ones I took turned out so blurry. David has to re-take them for me. He is the professional picture taker in our family!

This is our backyard, it is really pretty and a lot of work for us.

The side garden

Here are a few pictures of the neighborhood we live in. It is so pretty here. It is nice town to walk through.

Gerolsheim is the city we live in

There are tons of vineyards that surround our house, so that is really neat. Wine season starts in September. They have a huge festival for it. You can walk through the vineyards and eat the grapes.

This is a picture from the street of the hotel we stayed in for way to long it seemed.

David did all the driving during our trip over here

I took a picture of where we were headed

This was the first McDonalds we had eaten at in a long time, it was in Denmark. So I had to get a picture of it. Eating off base in Iceland was so expensive, so we never did. So eating at this McDonalds was a big treat for us.


These are pictures from the ferry

This was our room for 3 days...it was really small!

While waiting to get on the ferry we took some last minute pictures of Iceland, because I am sure we wont be back.

The Ferry

These were the caribou David saw while we drove to get to the ferry. He was so excited about seeing them.

David took these pictures with the video camera

Here is David trying to get closer to them with his video camera

I tried to get a good picture of them, but we scared them off...you can see them running away in the left side of the picture.

We saw tons of sheep while driving. David had to be really careful not to hit them.

This was a picture at 3am in Iceland

This is Glacier Bay

There is a seal in this picture.

It was cool to see real glaciers

David took this picture for me while I was sleeping. He knew I would have wanted to see all these purple flowers.

The night we had to say good bye to our neighbors.

It was so windy one day that the grass that they had laid got blown away.

This is the building that we lived in

I took a picture of all of our stuff when the movers where there

This was when we started to pack up on our own
Hopefully, soon I will get some good pictures of the inside of our new house. Hope you all enjoyed our pictures.
Hey Sara,
Loved the pictures and what a difference between the two countires. You both had a great experience in Iceland, but nice to be in a country that the sun shines. Hope you get settled soon and we can't wait to see you both when you get home to good old Minnesota.
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