7 Months Already
Branden is getting so BIG! I can't believe he is already 7 months old. He is wearing 12 month clothes, so he is pretty much a monster. He sure loves to eat! Branden loves all types of foods, he hasn't found one that he doesn't like. He even loves his veggies.
Branden has been teething for a while now, but on the 10th I finally saw his first tooth! Actually he got his bottom two in at the same time. So that was exciting. Branden can sit up now and will actually pull himself standing when he is in one of his toys. He still doesn't care too much for tummy time, but he is getting way better at. He will roll over to his stomach if he wants to get at a toy.
His acid reflux still bothers him. I really hope he starts to out grow that soon.
Branden pretty much is the best baby, I think. He never really complains and I can take him anywhere. He is just an angel!
Aw! He's so big! And adorable!
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